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Advice for choosing a product name


Often times I deal with individuals who are  introducing a new product and they are excited they have a great product name in mind!  Nothing takes the shine off that excitement like learning that your great name you thought up is already registered with the USPTO or a domain name registrar, even though nothing notable may have come up in a general internet search.  The shine is really taken off if you have already spent money developing a logo or product packaging.  It does not always occur to these very enterprising individuals to do a USPTO or domain name search, and these are usually som

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Ways to promoting your products online thru chat forums


Most of the small business clients using COR Services have something in common — the obsession with seeking out how to promote your products and web site online (Obsession is a good characteristic here because it is a driving motivating force).  One such client brought a product to market and started down the journey of striving to "get it out there". 

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